The UPCO Institute is poised to redefine the paradigms of education, business competitiveness, and strategic collaboration in Kosovo and beyond. Through its holistic approach and unwavering commitment to excellence, UPCO stands as a testament to the power of collaborative innovation and the promising future it heralds.
UPCO Institute/Cluster is an organisation specialised in promoting new technologies, innovation and entrepreneurship and providing services for the economy and education in Kosovo. UPCO Custer was established by the University of Pristina, the Municipality of Pristina and the Chamber of Commerce of Kosovo, as a structured collaboration based on the Triple Helix Model of Innovation.
A dynamic visual presentation highlighting our commitment to fostering innovation, driving industry evolution, and bridging the gap between academia and the real-world marketplace.
To support development of the structure which provides qualitative education and training contributing to the alignment with industry and VET. Skill mismatch leaves graduate’s unprepared for the market needs, this in turn necessitates close cooperation with the business community to develop approaches to teaching and...
To contribute to the economic development through the creation of linkages for university-industry collaboration and fostering entrepreneurial eco-system thus accelerating the innovation process and leading to smart economic growth which mitigate environmental impact...
To trigger strategic partnerships and promote further clustering and collaboration through a well-thought-out cooperative process with other analogous and educational institutions at national, regional, and international (SEE, EU and global) level...
Partnership creating and promoting partnership with partners, by ensuring a participatory approach in the governance toward the fulfilment of the vision and mission of UPCO
Creating a collaborative culture through data and information sharing on technology, market, and industry needs and engaging m applied research that makes the former possible only through a collaborative process
To build and continuously improve cooperation between partners and partners and benefit from shared knowledge, resources, and synergy. As nowadays the driver of technology development is the Industry 4.0 approach, companies disseminate their knowledge and experience, and universities can commit to knowledge creation through applied research
Innovation enabling and facilitating the innovation activities and to deploy industry applicable solutions. Improving and innovative capacities by activities interlinking and key actors (the University of Prishtina, The City of Prishtina, VET schools, companies, end- users)
Making right decisions for long -term orientation which in tum will increase sought after opportunities for revenue generating activities as well as increased competitiveness in fund raising and service provision
Knowledge sharing aligned with the basic elements of the knowledge management cycle - both inside and outside the center as vital principle for the mission of the center
Understandable and timely accessible information to ensure an informed decision-making process and accountability
An established ethical culture including honesty, fairness, respect and citizenship with respect to overall public responsibility
Safe, inclusive and respectful environment free from any discrimination
Following principles of sustainable development and providing a good example to the society for the environmentally friendly activities