“Aligning Education and Training with Labour Market Needs – ALLED Phase II”, which is funded by the European Union, co-funded by Austrian Development Cooperation and implemented by the Austrian Development Agency.

As presented and approved in the project inception report, the acronym “ALLED2” will be used for communication purposes.

For societies sustainable development, being Industry 4.0 ready, and able to compete in global markets with every citizen included, quality of education and training as well as lifelong learning are essential both for the economic growth and development of societies and the wellbeing of every citizen.

People are the most valuable resource!

For each society being able to compete in global market and being Industry 4.0 ready aligning education and training with labour market needs is a must as a constant process for smart planning and development in the long-term. Let’s move step forward towards the process through ALLED2 project as the future is in our schools today.

Recognizing that education is the backbone of every society, ALLED2 project is building on the achievements of ALLED 1. Its clear objective is to move from project-driven to process-embedded developments in Kosovo. Since the world of work and the world of education are two hands of the same body, ALLED2 aims to reduce poverty through increased labour market participation and improved employability of the people in Kosovo.

Combating poverty, promoting peace and protecting the environment: These are the three major concerns of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the operational unit of Austrian Development Cooperation. ADA currently funds projects and programmes with a total volume of more than 670 million euros to improve living conditions in developing countries. 

Together with the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (MFA), partner countries, public institutions, civil society organisations and businesses, ADA seeks to ensure that sustainable development works to the benefit of all people in Africa, Asia, Southeast Europe and the South Caucasus. ADA staff on the ground in 24 offices make sure that ADA operations are in line both with national development goals and the needs of the local population, and that the funds are put to the best possible use. 

The Austrian MFA allocates the ADA budget. Other federal ministries and donors like the EU draw on ADA’s expertise, too. Since 2008, the ADA has been conducting programmes for the European Commission. The private sector is another major partner within the field of development cooperation. Since 2008, ADA has been allocating private funds for development cooperation. With its financing instrument of business partnerships, ADA promotes projects of companies in developing countries and emerging nations given that they contribute to improving the living conditions of the local population. Most funds are invested in key regions and priority countries of the Austrian Development Cooperation.