The objective: To support development of the structure which provides qualitative education and training contributing to the alignment with industry and VET
Skill mismatch leaves graduate’s unprepared for the market needs, this in turn necessitates close cooperation with the business community to develop approaches to teaching and learning that meet the needs of students, industry, and the society in general.
This DA addresses the need for learning environment characterized by a learning environment characterized teaching/learning methods and tools using modern information and communication technologies.
In this regard UPCO will serve as hub that will provide access to technological and digital know how with the aim to provide access to the latest knowledge, expertise, and tools to ensure the provision of support to companies in the implementation of trial ventures, testing and trialing with digital innovations. UPCO will explore the potential for excellence in teaching/learning, innovative entrepreneurship technology transfers on local and national level, maximization of applied leaming and the transfer of knowledge between the University and their partner businesses
Further, the intervention in developing quality assurance mechanisms and better promotion of the specific qualifications is needed. Introducing measures for quality assurance with regards to the qualification’s recognition is essential. In this regard, cooperation with stakeholders is a necessity and prerequisite to ensure that the offer is in accordance with the professional standards. Further, there is a need for supporting the access to training and qualifications, improving the quality in VET, established structured cooperation with businesses, promoting entrepreneurship, learning organization based on LLL principles.
During the piloting phase of the developed concept model, training modules (for piloting phase), will be selected and developed. The selected modules should support updating of HE and VET educational programs in line with labour market needs as well as contribute to the initial cluster/hub institutionalization. This will be done based on the analysis and feasibility of the training modules related to the existing capacities, interest of the stakeholders, sustainability beyond the pilot phase etc.
Action areas/activities: